Lots of people pay The Situation big money for endorsements. Abercrombie & Fitch is looking to do the opposite - pay him NOT to wear the brand!
The company says in a news release that having Mike Sorrentino and his Jersey Shore castmates in A&F clothing could be disastrous to its image.
In short, it could cause "significant damage," if not irreparable harm.
Abercrombie & Fitch: Not pumped about Sitch.
Abercrombie feels any connections to The Situation will go against the "aspirational nature" of its brand and may be "distressing" to potential customers.
Hilariously, the Ohio-based retailer says it offered a "substantial payment" to Sitch and producers of the MTV show if he will just wear something else.
The company is also making the offer to others in the hard-partying cast, which has been known to rock those threads. MTV declined comment today.
On a related note, Aeropostale should really consider making a similar offer to Gary Shirley of Teen Mom. The guy wears that one shirt EVERY week!
[Photo: WENN.com]
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